Job Packing

To have your Cylinder repaired by P.J Motorcycle Engineers professional engine service department we recommend following these instructions:1.) Please clean all parts before shipping.2.) Remove all cylinder studs, powervalve assembly P.J Motorcycle Engineers charges £1.00 per stud removal and £10.00 for repair per stud hole (or for thread insert) if studs are broken during removal. We also charge £10.00 for removal of powervalves and £30.00 for cleaning and re fitting of power valves. 3.) Please send only parts that need to be repaired. 4.) Please remove all gasket material from top and bottom of cylinder. 5.) Carefully package your parts for sending. Start with a good strong box with no holes or damage, we recommend screwed up newspaper to use for packing.
Use the newspaper to form a solid base that will protect the contents if dropped.
Place your job onto the created base preferably in the centre of the box so you can use the newspaper to protect from any side impact the box may receive in transit.
Next step is to make the same as the base to cover over the top to protect the box if it is upside down or another box is stacked on top.
Before you seal it all up please make sure that you put a covering letter in the box giving full details of the following, name, address, telephone no, make and model of bike, work to be carried out and parts to be supplied.
Finally Seal the box and place our Shipping address on the top ready to either be collected or droped off at your local post office.
6.) P.J Motorcycle Engineers is not responsible for incoming damage to cylinders, crank shafts etc. We suggest that you insure your parts (if you are sending by post) Replacement or damaged cylinders could cost hundreds of pounds. You should insure for replacement value. Shipping Address:PJ Motorcycle Engineers Ltd, 21 Rookery Street, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton, WV11 1UN.